Tuesday 9 October 2012

To Blissful happiness

To Blissful Happiness

I woke up early morning, in a castle far away,
Glistening through its window, were shimmering suspensions in the air.
I closed up to the window and peeped out through them,
I curled up my palm to wrap them,
It was like a golden mist that was scattered through the land
And the touch was so blissful, it was but a wonderland.
Deep down on the land the blossoms were in bloom
Their freshness was so wondrous that they won't ever droop.
Cutting through the clusters was a path so soft and smooth,
That the eyes could also feel it and no words could tell them true.
Something lit a flame within me and I knew it was the happiness in the breeze.
I ran down the stairs that led to the path,
But before I could step out, I saw a veil deep black!
Its hollowness pained me like tongue on chilled ice,
Its bitterness was so mocking, on my longing to step outside.
No matter what I did, how harshly I did tug, it seemed so strongly stuck.
Straining past my cloudy eyes, I saw a bird soaring up,
To meet someone, I thought, who must have  just showed up.
Inquisitively, I leaned forward to press my eyes to the veil,
To see who was the One who had just crossed that way?
But lo and behold! It was the little bird, now circling around a light,
That was so ecstatic, pure, serene and bright!
I jerked the veil to let me out, but it stood there in staunch delight.
Lost I closed my eyes and saw the veil, hanging and fluttering within me somewhere!
I shot back my eyelids, my pupil wide awake, for I knew that the veil was stuck in there!
I battered down my eyelids, to remove it from my sight, to slide it away.
Hapless, I asked the light far away to help me get to it, may be some day.
It led me down a path at whose end was a jail and inside it were all those whom I just can’t give bail!
It left me there all by myself, yet I could feel that intense gaze.
I knew now how I could break past the veil, by simply letting these imprisoned memories go their destined way.
It was but so difficult to let them free, that I thought so many times if it was worth it!
I knew what the truth was, I also knew the end, so I let go of all the memories trapped down the den.
And LO! I was there with the light by my side, No, no, but there is something wrong with “side”, it was just that there was no nearness alike!!

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