Sunday 22 June 2014

An Ode to Colors

Ask me not my favorite color,
To my eyes they appear alike.

None can you remove from the spectrum's strip,
As none is still black and all put is white.

Red of the rose makes me joyous to the core,
Dripping from the veins makes my eyes go sore.

Yellow to the jaundiced eye, such a pain it would be!
Yet the bright yellow of the morning sun fills vitality in me.

Poverty's pitiable victims lying blue with cold,
In the deep blue oceans so many mysteries unfold.

Venomous green forever gave despicable plight,
On the natures lap there is no soother sight.

Black of the smoke I despise to the core,
Yet the black of the silent night I so much adore.

White pulled over face, Ah cruel fate!
Yet white is sobriety, it adds elegance to gait.

My life will always portray lots of colors new,
For on His palette there are many many hues.