Thursday, 31 December 2015

The Journey to Blind Faith!

It started off with Nonchalance,
Hearing the rumors to Demeaning stance,
When some proofs came up, an Inquisitive-Doubt,
Strange tidings lingered all about!

Curious was the mind, hungry to know,
Truth was it or falsehood lying low?
And so it itself went to discover,
In confident camouflaging cover!

And there came the trail of Coincidence,
There were so many astonishing incidence,
That lost in their midst was my insolence,
Shattered was my undue over confidence!

And there my journey took funny swerve,
When I stood there with vigorous verve,
Under the hallowed portals of Blind Faith,
When all this while I had called it a Wraith!

And then I turned around and found,
It had always existed in some form,
For a theorem once proved was used as such,
Who's so naive to reinvent the wheel thus!

They told me that the earth was round,
They told me that was the way to count,
They told me that Science succeeds,
And all I had to do, was Believe!

Antithesis always follows, once Thesis is proposed
Unrest abounds,  till Synthesis takes hold!
None of the exams expect an answer from every book,
Then why should you demand that My Faith should?

A game of Whisper spoils the told tale,
But any can ask the narrator to narrate,
For the Source is present here always,
It's you who is looking in the wrong place!

Monday, 21 September 2015

I wish to be me!

There I stood facing the mirror,
And like a usual fleeting thought,
I wished my face was carved like so and so,
That everyone so wished they had my glow!

And a nostalgic thought came over me,
Where I looked at the mirror when I was just three.
And there I was glad I looked like that,
And nobody could convince me otherwise.

What changed in me,
That I wished to be,
Just somebody else,
One who was not me?

Was I ready to forgo myself,
Given a wish cease to exist,
Given a wish to be someone else,
In exchange for a time when I'd never be?

When I'd never live nor ever die,
When I'd not get a chance to prove my worth?
when my mind won't be and no one would know,
when I won't get a chance, to change the future's course?

No, No! that is not what I would wish for,
I want this gift of life that I have got.
And a joyous life I will live,
So that on the dying day,
I have the chance to say,
that I'd have had my life just this way.

I remember the voices when I was three,
When I was told it was best to be me.
Now even though the world doesn't say,
I tell myself just the same.

Hum this tune till the end of day,
That we  are all
parts of one stupendous whole,
Whose body nature is,
And God is soul!

Each part is so unique that replace it you cannot,
And if you wish to vanish, the whole will be at a fault!
But you do decide, its polish and coat,
Will it shine and refine, or fade and degrade!

We have the power to hone it at our will,
And live everyday so that if we die today,
There shall be no regret but only content,
That born we were just like we were!

--  20th September 2015
   Inspired from:

Tuesday, 11 August 2015


Thousands come, thousands go,
Millions come, millions go,
Without even noticed by,
But there are a few,
A few and a few,
Whose deeds are left behind,
We recollect and we weep,
For the passes do not meet,
Yet if they meet again in life,
With retelling of stories,
Full of joy and grief,
We will spend most of our time.
We come on this earth,
With an empty slate,
And Memory with its staff,
Keeps filling the space,
And Time always trying
To make some room
Scrubs the slate
With brushes and broom
But imprints some are deep
That covered up they are not
Standing against all odds
Loose their luster, they will not
And turning back our heads
Lots of footprints we will see
Engraved on the sands of time
For eternity they will be...


Get Together!

There was a party amongst a clump of trees,
So gala it did sound that clouds stopped by to see,
And with the merriment the time so flew,
That when the sun woke up no one had a cue,
And there they were huddled together in the broad daylight
Continuing all along their reveling of the night!

--Bandipur National Reserve, 
8th Aug, 2015

Sunday, 24 May 2015

That simple soul...

A simple soul, its hard to be,
And all who know one, do agree.
For plain vision can't gauge his depth,
And words can't describe his concept.

Though his strength is empathy
Yet he gets not much company.
His good mission is so pure,
And all sorrows it can cure.

Though he can see the inflicted pain,
And stop he can with powerful bane,
Yet he must be benevolent,
For who can stand his violent rend!

"Take  it!", "Snatch it!" cries are loud,
Want and lust and greed abound.
How to tell, its simple to be,
Content and pleased with the gifts that are free.

"Waste not, want not" is a simple deed,
Should be taught instead of lessons of caste and creed.
Merry and laughs o'er a cunning toast,
He just wonders, why they plunder and gloat!

How to tell, its the piper's flute,
That have made the real voices mute.
How to tell not to fall for that bait,
Not to follow on Icarus' fate!

"Honesty and Nobility, used to be in trend,
Good they met with an early end!
For who will sport that ugly yoke?"
All the voices in unison croak!

When he shuns an unworthy dare,
Mocked he is and the eyes all stare.
And dejected he sweeps away,
the world is glad, he is cast away!

And after he packed his bags that day,
And reached but half his destined way,
A small hand caught up to him and said,
"Your age has come, please do stay"!